Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sweet Pickled Peppers

The temps are dropping and the pepper plants are almost done producing. We were lucky to have an extended summer thus a successful pepper crop this year!
Here I pickled a mix of cherry and banana peppers. Next up will be the jalapeƱos but I'm allowing them a little more time on the plant.
The fish fillet knife is very effective for reaching into small seed-filled crevices.

Since it was a small batch, I just used a small stock pot with a steamer basket inside. The boiling water was above the jars by about 2".
In the foreground is the pickling brine, just before the sugar was dissolved. The recipe I found called for celery seed but when I tasted the seeds in my pantry, they were acrid. I opted to use dehydrated celery flakes, instead.

Sweet Pickled Peppers

* 2 cups medium-hot peppers, seeded and cut into rings

Pickling Juice
* 2 cups white vinegar
* 2/3 cup white sugar
* 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
* 1/2 teaspoon celery seed or 1 tsp celery flakes

1. Sterilize 2- 1/2 pint jars and lids (the dishwasher works).
2. Bring the vinegar, sugar, mustard seed and celery seed to a rolling boil.
3. Place peppers in the 1/2 pint jars.
4. Pour on the pickling juice.
5. Bring brine to within 1/2" of the top. Use of a funnel is helpful.
6. Be sure the edge of the jar has no juice on it; screw on lids.
7. Process in boiling water bath for 10 minutes.

These are ready after 2 weeks of pickling.