Monday, February 16, 2015


Wow, it's been over six months since I last posted here!
Cooking new recipes, unfortunately, has not been a priority, but here's an easy one I just learned- really, easy to memorize:

Makes 2 crepes.

1 egg
1/3 cup flour (or a little more if you want it thicker)
2/3 cup milk

Whisk together. You can even add some vanilla (my mom's suggestion).

Pour half of the batter into a heated, buttered pan. Use a knife to edge up sides and help determine when it's ready to flip.

Serve with favorite jelly/jam filling and optionally, sour cream or cottage cheese.

Wrap up and drizzle with maple syrup.

Taster approved! He refuses to eat eggs, per say, but this is a good way to get some in him :)