Saturday, January 20, 2018

Lemon Bread

Dense and delicious, the perfect bread to have with tea! Very lemony. Don’t go overboard on the glazed topping, a light drizzle is all you need. 
In a medium bowl combine: 
1 1/2 cup flour
1 3.4oz package vanilla instant pudding 
1/2 tsp each baking powder, baking soda and salt
In a mixer, blend: 
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
2 Tb softened butter
1 tsp vanilla
2 tsp lemon extract
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup oil
3/4 cup Greek yogurt (plain, vanilla or lemon)
Zest of one lemon

Once blended, gradually add the dry ingredients. Pour into a 5x9 loaf pan lined with parchment (it will stick to the sides whatever you use) or 3 smaller pans.
Bake at 350 for 55 minutes. 

Let cool slightly then frost:
Mix 3 Tbs soft butter
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
3 Tb lemon juice
1 tsp lemon extract 
Refrigerate to set frosting and enjoy!

Apple Pie Bars

These are, dare I say, better than apple pie! Very simple to make and easy to eat. All you need is:

400 degree oven, 9x13 dish (I lined mine with foil for easy cleanup)

Roll out pie dough using flour so it doesn’t stick and line the pan. I cut off the sides and added to the ends to go from circle to rectangle. Crimp the sides. Basically this shell will bake as is.
For filling:
3 large apples, peeled and chopped. Put these in a large bowl and toss with 1/2 squeezed lemon (optional). Add 2/3 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup flour and apple pie spice. I just used a large dash of cinnamon, some ginger, nutmeg and cloves. Pour over crust and top with 2 tablespoons of bits of butter. Bake for 40 minutes until nice and brown, checking after 30 to make sure it’s not burning.

Taster approved!