I first spotted this pizza advertised on the side of a T bus while we were stopped at a red light. "From Germany" "Italy's Favorite Frozen Pizza"
I had to try it.
Even more tantalizing, the local super had samples of it but I *just missed* the last slice. $2 off coupons. That's it! I am a sucker for a good coupon.
Back home, since it was football night (and we probably should have been making chili but were tired and lazy since we'd had a long day), fired up the oven. A sign of laziness it that we left the pizza stone in it, underneath the grate upon which we cooked the pizza. And why did we heat the big oven when we have a perfectly sized, more predictable toaster oven?
First bite it was... still frozen. Humpf! I'm hungry! Plunked it in the toaster oven and pressed "toast", moved on from there.
He's just spoiled.
I thought it was a decent pizza, for frozen. Reminiscent of the evil Celeste (am interested in comparing the lack of health value). Yet more sophisticated. Still, we would have been better off making our own pizza. The $3.99 price (using the $2 off coupon) made everything feel alright.
They have other pizza toppings which I am interested in still trying (two more coupons to go). Next time I'll just use the toaster oven and share with someone other than Alex ;D
We split the leftover salad. Funny, where's the other half of cheese topping on this slice? Did Andrew eat it? Just something to be aware of..