Sunday, August 26, 2012

Corn Salsa

We had a great time at Swedish Car Day!
While Dad was outside installing a new car part and Andrew was busy watching, per his request, the show "Chopped", I got busy in the kitchen with my Allandale Farm treasures: corn and jalapenos.
My version of corn salsa is one I'll definitely come back to!
It is simple and delicious.

Make a vinaigrette:

1 lime, juiced
1/8 cup of your favorite vinegar (tried a mix of cider and champagne)
1/8 cup your oil of choice (I used canola)
salt & pepper (lots of pepper)
a pinch of sugar

Whisk together.

Finely dice 2 jalapenos and add to vinaigrette.

Steam 2 ears of corn for 6 minutes, run under cool water to stop the cooking, lay on towel to dry.

Add a can of rinsed and drained black beans.

The salsa is really good as is but if you'd like, try adding finely diced red onion or snipped green onions and chopped red pepper for color.
I added some chopped pickled red cherry peppers from our garden last summer. Yum!!