Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pizza with Greek Toppings

We always make pizza like this 11/10/09 entry.
Tonight I wanted to try something different! After all, I love feta cheese and we had a half container which needed to be used up. I'm also addicted to peperoncinis, kalamata olives, and garlic.
Don't forget some chopped onions and green pepper.
It turned out much lighter than I'm used to and it was delicious! In the future, I won't be afraid to experiment more....
For this pizza, I'd like to try low fat feta and low fat mayo; I don't think you could tell the difference. The olives? You just can't cut down on those!
Alex's toppings (top part of cutting board), my toppings (lower).
I made 2 pizzas with 1 hunk of store-bought dough.
The feta was dry. I added a glop of mayonnaise and a healthy spoonful of (jarred) chopped garlic and stirred it into a mash.
My helper was very helpful this time. He never resists tasting cheese and olive samples, with the occasional pepper. In fact, I have to guard them. He helped stretch the dough and put all the toppings on (except the feta topping, it's just too messy). Yay!