Saturday, November 6, 2010

Steelhead Trout

I was about to buy the usual rainbow trout and just requested, "A filet of trout" to the fishmonger. To which he replied, "Steelhead or Rainbow?"
I looked right past the Steelhead since it appears very much like salmon (pinkish flesh). It was $6.99/lb as opposed to $8.99/lb so I was sold!
How to cook it? As quick as possible (hunger dictates).
This method was simple enough, yet very satisfying. I ate it straight from the baking pan, only leaving the skin behind.
While baking in the (toaster) oven, I ran out to the garden and picked some cilantro to sprinkle on top. I love cilantro!

Dot with pats of butter (next time I will melt butter and drizzle over).
Mix 2 Tb or so of soy sauce and chopped garlic (jarred to save time). Pour over carefully, to distribute the garlic evenly.
Season with black pepper then smoked paprika. Smoked, not regular paprika!
No need to salt; the soy sauce fulfills that requirement.
Bake at 400ยบ for 10 minutes.
Yummy, plate licking delicious!
Tried the skin but was not a fan. No big deal, the fish flakes easily from it.
Had 1/2 lb steamed mussels as an appetizer.