Saturday, March 13, 2010

Jerk BBQ Oven Chicken Wings with Ranch Sauce

We were trying to get psyched up to go out for lunch in Boston. Rainy weather, toddler in need of a nap and the thought of trying out a new recipe quickly changed that thought (not to mention saving a chunk of change). The end result was worth it, especially since we got to enjoy it while a little person was napping!
Salt & pepper 2 pounds of wings (1 lb per person), then pour on the sauce and toss to coat. Disposable gloves are handy for this operation.
Cook in a preheated 350° oven for 50 minutes,
turning after 30 and basting with a brush and more sauce.
We used Reynolds nonstick foil wrapped over the pizza stone.
This is a decent sauce we like to use.
This was one of the few ranch dressings which did not contain monosodium glutamate.
The flavor was enhanced and made more tangy with the addition of horse radish.