Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuna Salad for Hungry Moms

Ah! I've made this so many times- finally posting it here. You don't need to be a hungry mom to enjoy it. Please keep in mind the hungry mom you know in your life who you could make it for! It keeps for a couple days. You can make it look fancy by serving over lettuce leaves and sliced tomatoes, even some hard boiled eggs tossed in (for the extra-ambitious).

Tuna salad for hungry moms

Serves 2 hungry moms

1 can tuna in oil
1 can beans of your choice, (red kidney works well) rinsed
1/4 cup sliced red onion (or less, really to liking)
1/4 cup finely chopped broccoli florets
1 Tbsp freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice (I like lemon but do try a nice vinegar)
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 ripe tomatoes, sliced
Chopped basil
Salt and Pepper

In a medium bowl, combine tuna, beans, onion, broccoli, lime juice and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste and mix well. The salad can be made up to this point a day in advance. Right before serving, arrange tomato on a plate, sprinkle with basil, top with tuna salad. Gobble up before the baby needs to be fed or changed.