Tuesday, October 25, 2011

One Hour Dinner Rolls

This is the first time I made dinner rolls and they were well worth the minimal effort!
Perfect accompaniment to another freezer staple, chicken soup.
I normally don't even buy rolls since I tend to be against excessive carbs but hey- it's that time of year.
Crispy on the outside, warm and tender on the inside... Butter up the steamy interior with your favorite salted butter. I prefer Kate's.
Leftovers were portioned off into freezer bags. They can be reheated in the oven in a cinch.

1 cup wheat flour
3 1/4 cups or more unbleached flour
1 tsp salt
1/3 cup sugar
1 1/2 Tbsp yeast ("pizza yeast") (or 2 packets of Fleischman's pizza yeast)
1 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup butter
Mix 1 1/2 cups flour, sugar and yeast in a stand mixer with paddle attachment. Heat milk, water, and butter until very warm: 120-130ยบ. It took two minutes in the microwave. Add warm liquid to dry ingredients and mix on medium speed for 2 minutes (start slow then raise to medium so there's no splash over). Stop mixer and add 1/4 cup flour and 1 tsp salt. Mix for two more minutes on medium. Continue adding the rest of the flour until dough comes together. Switch to a dough hook and knead in your mixer for 2-3 minutes. Place in greased bowl and let rise for 15 minutes. Punch down. Use a knife to divide dough into 20-24 balls and place on baking sheet. Cover and let rise 15 minutes.
Brush with melted butter.
Bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes, until tops are lightly browned. Make sure to check a couple times after 20 minutes.