Monday, March 1, 2010

Slow Cooker Pulled Pork and Mustard Green Gratin

This is a great dish, recipe from my foodie Idol, Alton Brown. His show, "Field of Greens" featured the recipe for Mustard Green Gratin.
We all know that deep green leafy veggies are good for us. Perhaps this recipe will inspire you! Plenty of calcium and vitamins, it is so good that picky kids may even like it since it's good like mac n cheese (as long as they can overcome the color green and some texture).
First, buy a pound of greens. I looked at some at my regular market but thought they smelled gross. I skipped them and went to the next market where they were much better. Point in case, never buy something you would not like to eat, especially something key that you are seeking out. Granted, you should wash it well- Alton suggests using your cleaned-out sink with 5" of water. The greens I got were free of grit so I felt comfortable just de-ribbing them (anything thicker than 1/4") and soaking 1/2 batch at a time in a bowl of water then draining.

Measure out a heaping cupful of crackers then put them in a baggie and use the measure to crush them.

Alex insisted on adding 3 sliced scallions to the recipe. In the end, I could hardly notice them since they are mild; surely it was a nice addition.
Greens cooking away!
Use tongs to remove to the ricotta mixture. Try to keep excess liquid out (the greens release a lot!)
The leftover, discarded juice probably amounted to 3/4 cup. I resisted the temptation to drink some!
Mixing the greens and ricotta mixture.
Poured into the dish (8.5x10.5). Be flexible in your decision with what size dish to use. This part always annoys me, when a recipe such as this one suggests what size to use. Just go with what you are comfortable with.
Pork pulling with two antique forks. I soon took over with some "modern" forks.
The slow cooker pork secret! We also added red pepper flakes and generous portions of Tabasco and Frank's Hot Sauce.
The pork shoulder we used was just under 3lb. It had plenty of fat. We cut the excess fat and skin off. There was a large center bone in it. We didn't have all day so it was cooked on high for 4 hours. It still seemed tough on removal yet it needed to be shredded and fat removed from shredded parts. This is so important, removing fat by hand. Feeling it is the most effective way of removal. Once the shreds were removed, they went back into the suace while we cooked up the gratin.
Yum Yum Yum! We also bought a very colorful store-made Cole Slaw which we topped our sandwiches with.