Monday, December 14, 2009

Quick Ravioli Dinner

We boiled up some frozen store-bought, "Mama Rosie's" spinach & cheese raviolis. Whenever boiling up some pasta, I have found, the larger the pot of boiling water, the better. 9 minutes seemed right. I sauced it up with a (microwaved) frozen portion of pizza sauce.
I'd been in a veggie chop-a ton: for beet soup, beef stew (to go in the crock pot tomorrow) and this salad! The salad was nothing special- even the tomato was a very boring winter-time type :-/

I took a peek in the living room: Dada providing some guidance with a challenging game.
Time to eat!
Topped with fresh grated parmesan and parsley.
Also, with some "Texas Toast."
Shovel it in! Raviolis are always good.

Veggie Beet Soup (or baby food?)

We have beets in the garden! What to do, what to try? Our fall-planted beet seeds were not thinned out well as seedlings so their growth tended on the small side. Now that frozen ground and winter doom is pending, it is time to dig them up and enjoy them!

First, wash and scrub your beets. They love dirt!
Next, encase in a nice drip-resistant cocoon of foil.
Roast at 375 for 1 1/2 hours for typical (larger) store-bought beets.
These beets were done after 45 minutes. Look how dark they got! Think concentrated, developed beet sugar deliciousness.
Chop up some celery, carrots and onion. Sautee with a pat of butter, on medium-low.
This flavorful combo of veggies is known as a mirepoix.
I used Swanson low-sodium chicken broth. If you are vegetarian, simply use or make your favorite broth.
While the broth melted (and stopped the cooking of the mirepoix), I roughly chopped up and added the roasted beets. I made sure to keep parts out that may harbor grit (the root ends and stem area).
This concoction to simmered covered, on very low heat, throughout the time we ate dinner.
When I got around to it, it was ready to be pureed!
During the "boat motor" process, I had a curious and ready customer, pleading for the goods! Beets are sweet, he loves carrots- and heck, it looked like a big bowl of ketchup! To fatten it up a tad, and since I had some on hand, I added a splash of light cream.
A taste....
Yum!The soup is actually for tomorrow's lunch. I put two bowls in the fridge.
Thinking it may be great cold, with a dab of sour cream,
and some hot grilled cheese from the panini press!