Saturday, June 23, 2012

Grilled Chicken and Mango Salad

In coming up with this delightful treat, I had a perfectly ripe mango and leftover grilled chicken in the fridge.  Plus, it was a blistering 90+º outside.  I reached for the cookbooks and searched the indexes. I knew Chris Schlesinger was the guy to go to.

This is a perfect summer salad and is quick to assemble if you do the preparations ahead of time.
I think it could even be great to bring on a picnic or serve a large group for lunch.
It is very flavorful and healthy.
For vegetarian friends just leave out the chicken and/or let people assemble the salad themselves.
The taster was not really into it but that's o.k., it's the tasting effort that counts.
My friend Helen said, "It's the best salad I've had in five years!" 
I will definitely be making it again and I am happy to share a new good recipe.
Adapted from Chris Schlesinger and John Willoughby's book, License to Grill.  

Grilled Chicken and Mango Salad
serves 4 (easily can prepare a half recipe)

2 grilled boneless, skinless chicken breasts (seasoned to taste, salt & pepper is fine)
  As soon as they are cool enough, cut into bite-size pieces and place in a large bowl
2 ripe mangoes, peeled, pitted and diced medium
1 cup seedless green or red grapes, halved
1 small red onion (or less/to taste), peeled and diced small/medium
1/2 red bell pepper, seeded and diced medium
1/4 cup rough chopped cilantro (or parsley)
2 Tb roughly chopped fresh basil
and set aside.

Make the dressing: In a small bowl whisk together
6 Tb fresh orange juice (1 small orange)
1/4 cup lime juice (2 limes)
1 Tb fish sauce (optional- I need to buy some, next time I'll try it)
2 Tb minced fresh chili pepper of your choice (again, optional)
1 Tb minced ginger (I used pickled ginger which is handy to keep in the fridge)
salt & pepper to taste

Add just enough dressing to the mango mixture to moisten, toss well and serve atop arugula or other desired greens (the original recipe doesn't include greens but I think the arugula is great). 
Sprinkle with chopped unsalted peanuts that have been toasted in a 350º oven until golden brown, about 10 minutes.  Peanuts can be roasted ahead of time.
I excluded the chili pepper but the peanuts I used were spicy cajun nuts.

Interesting mango facts:
In India, over 350 varieties are cultivated.
Mangoes are known throughout tropical Asia as the King of Fruits due to their sweetness and richness in phytochemicals and nutrients.
Do not refrigerate your mango.  Like bananas, typically when purchased they are underripe.
The best indicator of ripeness is aroma of a rich flowery perfume and a little give when you feel them.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mini Quiches

I searched many recipes and including the quiche dough (yes you can be lazy and buy store-made pie dough).  I ended up buying mini Athens phyllo shells and buying a mini muffin pan and making special dough since I wanted to find out which is better.

Quiche is a custard poured into a shell (typically, pie) and baked carefully so the proteins don't toughen.  A delicate (and undeniably fatty) flavor burst.  Perfect for a brunch or cocktail party/any time people need sustenance. Does a kindergarten potluck count? It was my experimental ground and they went fast!  The verdict is out whether to make the quiche dough (recipe below) or use the mini phyllo shells.  The phyllo is crispier which adds a nice contrast while the dough just adds extra calories.  Umm, you cannot be counting calories if you are eating these ;D   

What I learned is that quiche can be purely simple (you add flavor to the egg and cream base- perhaps simply goat cheese and chives) or most elaborate like Emeril's Mediterranean Quiche (love that recipe!)

I was recently re-introduced and treated to the simple (perfect for h'oerdourves) mini quiches at my best male buddy, David Vaughn's wedding.  From what I could tell, the crust was perfect and the custard simply eggs and cream and topped with snipped chives. I love that you can make these ahead and even serve at room temperature.  If reheating do it carefully at 300º.    

Sun-dried Tomato & Goat Cheese Mini Quiches


2 packages mini phyllo shells
2 eggs
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup finely chopped sun-dried tomatoes
1 log of goat cheese (herbed is nice), frozen and shredded on a grater (then refrozen for ease in handling)
1/2 tablespoon chopped fresh green onions (or chives or parsley or whatever looks good)


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Place the phyllo shells on a baking sheet. Set aside.
In a small bowl, mix the eggs, heavy cream, sun-dried tomatoes and goat cheese until combined. Fill the phyllo shells with the egg mixture. Top with herb garnish. Bake for 9 minutes, or until egg is set.

Quiche Dough


1/2 cups butter, softened
3 ounces cream cheese, softened
1 cup all-purpose flour

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a small mixing bowl blend butter and cream cheese until smooth; slowly add flour; form into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and chill 2 hours.

Divide the dough into 3 parts (or 4), roll out the dough using flour to prevent sticking.* 
Using a cup slightly larger in diameter than your mini cupcake pan, cut out 24 rounds. 
Gently press into cupcake pan, trying to crimp the edges evenly.
Once filled, bake for 30 minutes or until set and serve.

* When I made this I cut the dough into 24 hunks and rolled the rounds one by one.  This is not the fast or consistent way to do it! 

Monday, June 4, 2012


 I've been suffering the past couple days from a very irritated digestive system and my only comfort is in liquids.  I finally made some dashi and it is simple and easy!  The perfect base to miso soup. 

I found the konbu and bonito flakes at Whole Foods.  I am sure you can find miso there as well.  I prefer white miso over red.    

For a simple quick soup add a heaping spoonful of white miso to the dashi.  Use another spoon to help dissolve it.  Yum! 


  • 1 piece konbu (approximately 5 by 6 inches)
  • 1 cup bonito flakes
  • 5 cups cold water
In a medium pot, place konbu into cold water. Set pot over medium heat. Just before the water begins to boil pull off heat and let stand 5 minutes.
 Remove konbu, and bring back to heat.

Again, right before stock begins to boil, remove from heat and add the bonito flakes. When flakes sink to the bottom, strain through cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer.

Dashi keeps in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks (but it's so good it won't last that long, mine was gone in one day/3 bowls of soup!)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Greek Pasta Salad

This salad is perfect for a pot-luck or to bring to the beach.
I cut the recipe in half but wish I made more! Recipe from America's Test Kitchen.


Hands-on time: 45 minutes
Time to table: 3 hours
Makes 14 cups (but easily halved)
  • 1 pound (about 4 cups) mini or medium pasta shells
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 red pepper, diced
  • 1 green pepper, diced (it is fine if you omit the peppers)
  • 4 green onions, white and green parts, chopped
  • ½ cup Kalamata olives, chopped
  • 6 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 2 - 4 teaspoons minced fresh garlic
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon table salt (you may want to omit, the olives add plenty of salt)
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 4 ounces feta (small container)
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • 8 ounces cherry or grape tomatoes, quartered 
  • 1 large cucumber, peeled, quartered, seeded and chopped
  • 1 cup chopped fresh Italian parsley
PASTA Cook the pasta according to package directions, drain well. While still warm, transfer to a large bowl and stir in olive oil. Stir in peppers and olives.

VINAIGRETTE In a medium bowl combine all ingredients except olive oil. With the back of a fork, smash the feta until it ‘creams’ the vinaigrette, leaving small bits of feta intact. Whisk in the olive oil. Stir the vinaigrette into the pasta. Refrigerate for 1 – 2 hours until cold.

BEFORE SERVING Stir in tomatoes, cucumber and parsley. Serve cold.