Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chicken Fajitas

This is another kitchen staple. The tried-and-true spice mix recipe remains taped up inside our spice cabinet door. If you have trouble seeing the fajita spice mix, double click on the photo to enlarge. Much like taco mix, I wouldn't buy something like this "conveniently". Or rather, since much prepped stuff contains the evil MSG.
We have been eating "burger cheeses" and Mickie D's far too often lately (ya know, "Happy Meals") and I eat the fries. Look here for a SCARE:
So, o.k., off the subject but I feel that today I likely had more than my fair share of incidental MSG. Now I remember why I don't like McDonald's. MSG and sodium hangovers.

Chicken breast! 1 big frozen one, thawed in the microwave on the lowest setting for 20 min. If it's thawed on too high of a heat, the tips will cook and be tough! Better if you put in the fridge to thaw the day before. Don't forget a plate or bowl underneath, sometimes baggies leak and you don't want to deal with THAT mess! Once thawed, add 1/2 of squeezed lime to marinate while you prep veggies.
Peppers can be quickly dealt with if you slice down the side. The bitter white pith and seeds are therefore avoided (how annoying to pick off little seeds). The sides are then cut into long strips.
Alex grated a fresh bar (1/2 cup or so) of NY sharp cheddar. Grated bars are better than prepackaged grated cheese but I am not one to argue for convenience!
The pepper strips go into a medium-fire skillet with a TB of preheated vegetable oil. Sizzle away and toss often. They got dumped into a bowl once I smelled burning sugar (they are sweet, after all) and the sides had some browning.
Next up, the onions! This was the end 1/4 of a super-big sweet onion, thus the uneven slices. When cutting your ingredients, please make sure that your knives are sharp or you will be annoyed and/or cut yourself!
I noticed my knife was turned dull while slicing peppers so I switched to the (seen here) serrated knife. I love this knife for precise thin slices of onion, tomato... And chicken!
The chicken was gently sauteed, not too fast so it remains tender.
Once the chicken was turned, the spice mix and veg were all added. As was use of a fresh pair of clean tongs. I added something like 1/2 cup of water then simmered it down.
Video: when it's done! Turn off the heat!

Quick! The tot is in his chair! He is our first tester.
Yum! Mind you, he ate a full "burger cheese" 3 hours earlier.
Mommy's is all ready to be rolled up.

He asked for "ice cream" at this point (aka sour cream since we never have ice cream). I tried mine and determined why! It was on the spicy side. I love it like that- always challenging the brain-spice-sensors, but I can see where he is just in training!
A big forkful! Anythig dairy always coats the tongue and removes the burn.
It was a hit!

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