Monday, December 14, 2009

Quick Ravioli Dinner

We boiled up some frozen store-bought, "Mama Rosie's" spinach & cheese raviolis. Whenever boiling up some pasta, I have found, the larger the pot of boiling water, the better. 9 minutes seemed right. I sauced it up with a (microwaved) frozen portion of pizza sauce.
I'd been in a veggie chop-a ton: for beet soup, beef stew (to go in the crock pot tomorrow) and this salad! The salad was nothing special- even the tomato was a very boring winter-time type :-/

I took a peek in the living room: Dada providing some guidance with a challenging game.
Time to eat!
Topped with fresh grated parmesan and parsley.
Also, with some "Texas Toast."
Shovel it in! Raviolis are always good.

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