Monday, January 18, 2010

Stuffed Chicken Breast Wrapped in Bacon

Chop and drain (and blot with paper towels) sundried tomatoes in oil, and dice up some garlic.

Slice Gruyere (or whatever cheese appeals to you) to fit into a large breast (so big, we split it).
Saute the garlic. Mix with the tomatoes once done.
Stuff breast with cheese and tomato/garlic mixture. Pin closed with minimal amount of toothpicks. I used one. Wrap breast in bacon (4 slices were right for this beast of a breast). Again, try to pin minimally (since you will have to fish them out later).
Heat your pan (with cover) on medium/medium-low.
I used a small amount of olive oil to coat (or a spray) and add the breast once the pan is heated.
Mostly cover with lid to prevent spattering and to help cook the thick breast. Set a timer to three minutes and don't attempt to budge it until then or else the bacon will stick.
If the bacon sticks, give it more time. Flip then cook another 3.
At this point I stop timing but try to cook up the sides so the bacon is crisped on all edges. Think lots of flipping and waiting a minute or two at a time.
A ridiculous upright frying position.
Plated up and ready to eat!
Accompanied by rice pilaf (1/2 package of Near East) and from the freezer Birdseye mixed veg.
We always love to have some Cavit Pinot Grigio with our dinner.
The tester approves!
The aftermath.

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