Saturday, November 11, 2023

Canned No sugar cranberry juice

100%. no sugar added Cranberry juice

3 lbs (4, 12oz bags) of cranberries to 4 qts of water, bring to a simmer for 10 minutes . Cranberries will pop open. Strain through a jelly bag or double layer of cheesecloth . 

 Return pulp to pot, add 2 more quarts of water.

Bring to simmer for 5 min. Strain using same method above. 

 Return pulp to pot one last time with 1 qt of water. Bring to simmer for 5 mins and Strain again. 

 You now have 7 quarts of strained juice.  Heat this juice to 180°, have 7 sterilized jars, flats and rings. Have water bath simmering . 

 Ladle into quarts jars, leave 1/4 inch headspace. Wipe rims, put on flats and screw lids finger tight. 

 Place in Water bath, bring to a boil and boil pints and quarts for 10 min.

 After allotted time, turn off heat and allow to sit for 5 min. Remove from canner, place on a towel, cover with another towel so they cool down slowly and don't explode or shatter from cooling down too quickly .

 Allow to sit undisturbed for 24 hrs. Check jars, remove rings and store in pantry . If any have not sealed place in refrigerator and use within 2 weeks. Enjoy. 

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